The beauty of the Access program doesn’t fully lie in its astounding ability to achieve results that have previously never been seen before, although that is pretty amazing in and of itself. It’s in the ability of the seminar to empower the individual to take care of their health. How many people across urbanized and several rural areas get sick and make an appointment to see an ‘expert’? The exquisiteness of Access is that it allows the individual to address a number of day to day and even some chronic issues on their own.
The number of hours I have personally saved avoiding waiting rooms in medical clinics, emergency rooms and veterinarian clinics has outnumbered time and time again the few hours it takes to learn Access and exponentially outnumbers the few minutes it takes to apply before seeing results. Now I live in Canada, where healthcare is free if you don’t count the number of hours of lost work due to waiting to receive treatment, and this experience is beyond priceless when considering the financial empowerment alone. Plus, the individuals that I teach and hear reports from their experiences, are ecstatic with the quick resolution of the kids illness and injuries, never mind their own use of the techniques to support themselves in their role of caregiver. How empowering for those who are not healthcare experts to take care of their own and themselves within minutes a day.
I strongly recommend using these techniques as often as possible and telling others about the effectiveness of BodyTalk Access. Come join me for a regularly held seminar in Saskatoon, SK, Canada. Alternatively, I love to travel, send me an invite to teach in your area.