The timeline and costs of becoming a practitioner are as follows (all prices incl gst):
1. Take BodyTalk Fundamentals: $1330 earlybird (paid and registered three weeks prior), $1430 after earlybird
Then do 2. and 3. and 4. in any particular order you so wish:
2. Become an International BodyTalk Association (IBA) Member: $150 US/yr and do 50 practice sessions from memory (write down the information you find in your sessions and document them without looking at charts) on at least 15 different people – you’re welcome to submit the sessions as you go or give all 50 to your examining Instructor (any BodyTalk Instructor, including myself, can examine) for feedback. Ideally this is done by the day prior to the exam or the day of for out of town students.
3. Receive 5 BodyTalk session with someone who is a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner or Instructor.
4. Take BodyTalk Fundamentals again ($367.50 is the monitoring rate for IBA Members – you need to be a Member to write your exam) or take BodyTalk Fundamentals Integration ($682.50 earlybird or $735 after earlybird). The differences/benefits to both options will be discussed in class so you can find the right fit for your needs.
5. Write Your Certified BodyTalk Practitioner (CBP) Exam: $250 US to the supervising Instructor and $50 US to the IBA. The exam consists of two parts, one oral and one written – 90% for both parts is considered the passing grade. What you need to know for the exam is covered in your BodyTalk Fundamentals seminar. The exam can be done in-person or on-line. Check out more info in this video below.
At no point do you need to be directly supervised so the process is easy to do from wherever you’re located, even if you’re not in the same town as an Instructor, though in that case you may need to travel for the seminars unless you wish to bring one to your area or simply take it on-line.. I’m always happy to work with Coordinators in new areas so if that’s the case please don’t hesitate to ask for the Coordinators Package to learn more about the process.
Any questions about this process please ask.