A 40 Days Exploration

The Speedy Version of our 9 Month BodyTalk Business Basics

BBB… the Speedy Version!

A New Approach to Business

Weekly self-exploration exercises with self-care
and scheduled group integration sessions
and individual sessions at your request.


If you want something you’ve never had,
you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.

– Thomas Jefferson


Offering a new approach to business and effective for all those wanting to start out, grow an existing business, stay engaged in their business or planning for the business future.You and your business are unique, so it’s cultivation and expansion will be as well. There is no one answer. There is no one business formula. There is no one business strategy for success that so many of the books and approaches to business development offer. The most successful businesses in the world (think Bill Gates, Steve Job) have been run by those weren’t educated in the school of business but those that jumped in with both feet into the school of life.

With 13+ years of business experience in BodyTalk and Life Sciences BreakThrough & Reveal & Release, come join me in the kick-off of this new type of business exploration and mentoring. I’ve received many requests over the years that’s led to developing a unique business approach. One that’s not designed to give you an answer or a diagnosis. One that is tailored just for you, to help you find your best ways to flexibly nurture and expand your business.

For beginners thinking of exploring the world of business to established professionals alike, this is the next step in exploring possibilities and using a customized approach that’s unique for your business.

Come discover and listen to your inner business expert.

The nature of group work allows, from a quantum physics understanding of increasing observation, for exceptional effectiveness.

What’s included?
♦ Forty (40) daily exercises designed to engage you in your business.
– Explorations into a number of principles including humility, honesty, authenticity, compassion, relationships (with self and others), intimacy, sensuality.
– Illuminate and cultivate a passionate relationship to you and to living fully.
– Exercises invite looking inward and can be done multiple times to discover more within yourself
– Exploration invites change which you may notice emotionally, mentally, and/or physically so rest becomes vital to your success as you move through these 9 months.
– Allow yourself to balance your time as you can do the exercises once a week and implement any practical action resulting from your exercises.
– Cultivate a practice of self care and assist processing of all your explorations, support, and BodyTalk sessions.
– Support is available to you via email or FaceBook message for you to share your awareness’s, your questions or simply connect.
♦ Twelve (12) group BodyTalk sessions interspersed every 4 days, with two weekly follow-up group sessions at the conclusion to optimize integration of your self-discoveries.
– Integration BodyTalk sessions will draw on BodyTalk, Eastern Medicine and the Life Sciences’ principles (ie. Reveal & Release, etc.) with an emphasis on exploring self honestly.
– The effectiveness of creating change in yourself and your life is greatly increased with these supporting sessions.
– Group sessions are interspersed throughout this exploration to maximize your experience and your success.
– Listening to the sessions can be done multiple times to continue to receive benefit up to months and years later.
♦ Five (5) individual BodyTalk or BreakThrough sessions, scheduled by you when you feel you need it most
– Support just for you focusing on your unique details, integrating your journey.
– Request your sessions – these may be used by you or your family members.
♦ One (1) one-on-one individual observation for personalized feedback: Either videotape yourself or Skype in live while meeting with a client (and doing either a BodyTalk, BreakThrough or some other form of session; with the permission of your client) and you’ll receive feedback, suggestions and discussion time to strategize how to take your work to the next level. Or review and feedback of any recording of a business interaction such as a public presentation or meeting with an investor.
OR instead of the individual observation you can receive an additional individual BodyTalk or BreakThrough session if you prefer.
– Allison supports all your work within your business, whatever it may be.
♦ Additional office hours can be purchased for $100/hr and will be invoiced at the time
Taxes not included.

Frequently Asked Questions

How effective are recordings of integration sessions?
How do I access my sessions?
Where do my sessions take place?
What if I have questions about our exercises or sessions?
Who can see my comments if I post them?