If you’re in this area of the site, we accept your implicit consent to keep these materials private. The materials here are not for download and meant only to be used within the site so we can ensure the people who are paying for the material receive it and not otherwise, your cooperation would be greatly appreciated in keeping this material here private for student use only.
Please find below info for both the HelioSol Technique & The Foundational Templates, both of which comprise the Intro to HelioSol for Practitioners of Other Modalities.
This one video below is the recording of the June 16, 2019 HelioSol Technique Course.
Suggested Viewing Schedule: (please watch in your own timing, before, after or during these dates is great, please honour your own timing):
June 16
8:30-9:30 Optional Participation in Office Hours*
(Instructions to join optional Office Hours are found here.)
9:30-11:45 HelioSol Technique – this video is available on this page just below, it’s password is heliosolheart
12:30-1:30 Optional Participation in Office Hours*
(Instructions to join optional Office Hours are found here.)
*What Are Office Hours? You can call in and ask anything you like. ie. Can you demo this for me? Or, I’m struggling with this, can you assist me? Or, I’d love a session on this for myself or for my learning. You can literally ask Allison anything :). This is your time, use it as you wish. All of the Office Hours will be recorded and posted along with the class material, so no worries if you don’t join us and you want to listen in later, you still get it all.
The password for this video below is: heliosolheart
Please note if any applicable office hour recordings are available (solely dependent upon participation by those taking this class at this time), I’ll post them here within 3 days of class :).
If you have a testimonial that we can share, we’d love to hear about it! Please fill out this form HT Course Testimonial and return it your convenience to Allison at [email protected] or by text to 306-280-8264. If you have a pic that you’d like to share with that please include it and we’ll be sure to use that too. Appreciation and gratitude for you taking time to do this in advance :).
We always welcome feedback, please do submit the Course Feedback Form below at your convenience but soon enough after class that you can clearly recollect your experience, we recommend within a few hours after you finish watching the recordings :).
HelioSol Technique Course Feedback Form
I thoroughly enjoyed getting to share the material with you and I look forward to sharing in your HelioSol journey however that unfolds for you in the future! Congratulations! Here is your certificate!
Your HelioSol Technique Certificate
Option: Know that you’re welcome, never required, to share your experience with us as we explore together. |
These next 10 videos comprise the recordings of The Intro To HelioSol System for Practitioners of Other Modalities (this includes the 15 Foundational Templates).
Please note that there are now 15 Foundational Templates despite reference to the previous 11 that were a part of this course, we’ve added more to enhance your experience :).
The passwords for all the videos is the same as the page password: hsbhema
Suggested Viewing Schedule (please watch in your own timing, before, after or during these dates is great, please honour your own timing):
June 16
8:30-9:30 Optional Participation in Office Hours*
(Instructions to join optional Office Hours are found here.)
9:30-11:45 HelioSol Technique – this video is available on the page with the link that was sent to you in an email if you’re registered for this portion of the course.
12:00-12:30 Feel free to start watching Part 1 video listed below to give you more time in the afternoon portion for practice
12:30-1:30 Optional Participation in Office Hours*
(Instructions to join optional Office Hours are found here.)
1:30-4:45 Complete the remainder of Part 1 in the videos listed below
4:45-5:30 Anti-Inflammation Template (Part 2 in the videos listed below)
5:30-6:30 No Office Hours at this time on this day only.
June 17
8:30-9:30 Optional Participation in Office Hours*
(Instructions to join optional Office Hours are found here.)
9:30-10:45 Anti-Pain Template (Part 3 in the videos listed below)
10:45-11:30 Brain Stabilization Template (Part 4 in the videos listed below)
11:30-12:30 PTS Template (Part 5 in the videos listed below)
12:30-1:30 Optional Participation in Office Hours*
(Instructions to join optional Office Hours are found here.)
1:30-2:30 Neutralize Template (Part 6 in the videos listed below)
2:30-3:15 Vertical Time Template (Part 7 in the videos listed below)
3:30-4:15 Free Energy Template (Part 8 in the videos listed below)
4:15-5:00 Agape Love Template (Part 9 in the videos listed below)
5:00-5:15 Other Template (Part 10 in the videos listed below)
5:30-6:30 Optional Participation in Office Hours*
(Instructions to join optional Office Hours are found here.)
*What Are Office Hours? You can call in and ask anything you like. ie. Can you demo this for me? Or, I’m struggling with this, can you assist me? Or, I’d love a session on this for myself or for my learning. You can literally ask Allison anything :). This is your time, use it as you wish. All of the Office Hours will be recorded and posted along with the class material, so no worries if you don’t join us and you want to listen in later, you still get it all.
-The videos are all listed below and all have the same password as the page: hsbhema
Part 1: HelioSol Intro, BHEMA, Support, Sleep, Frequency Templates
The password for this video is: hsbhema
Part 2: Anti-Inflammation Template
The password for this video is: hsbhema
Part 3: Anti-Pain Template
The password for this video is: hsbhema
Part 4: Brain Stabilization Template
The password for this video is: hsbhema
Part 5: Post Traumatic Stress Template
The password for this video is: hsbhema
Part 6: Neutralize Template
The password for this video is: hsbhema
Part 7: Vertical Time Template
The password for this video is: hsbhema
Part 8: Free Energy Template
The password for this video is: hsbhema
Part 9: Agape Template
The password for this video is: hsbhema
Part 10: Other Template
The password for this video is: hsbhema
Please note if any applicable office hour recordings are available (solely dependent upon participation by those taking this class at this time), I’ll post them here within 3 days of class :).
Office Hours 1 (from a previous course)
The password for this video is: hsbhema
Office Hours 2 (from a previous course)
The password for this video is: hsbhema
If you have a testimonial that we can share, we’d love to hear about it! Please fill out this form Template Course Testimonial and return it your convenience to Allison at [email protected] or by text to 306-280-8264. If you have a pic that you’d like to share with that please include it and we’ll be sure to use that too. Appreciation and gratitude for you taking time to do this in advance :).
We always welcome feedback, please do submit the Course Feedback Form below at your convenience but soon enough after class that you can clearly recollect your experience, we recommend within a few hours after you finish watching the recordings :).
HSS Intro Course Feedback Form
I thoroughly enjoyed getting to share the material with you and I look forward to sharing in your HelioSol journey however that unfolds for you in the future! Congratulations! Here is your certificate!
Your Intro to HSS Certificate
Option: Know that you’re welcome, never required, to share your experience with us as we explore together. |