Here are some experiences shared by students of Allison’s seminars.
If you have had an experience you would like to share, please feel free to contact Allison with your testimonial, and let her know you would like to share your story.
Student Testimonials:
The atmosphere of this class was one of calm and collected. Allison
shared her expertise in a clear, concise and informative manner with a
humble attitude and helpful way. I would love to take any course that
she would be teaching and highly recommend her to anyone.
Allison’s diverse background in medicine and shared personal
experiences created a rich learning environment. Her honesty throughout
the course regarding her life journey as an individual and in her
experiences as a BodyTalk learner and practitioner was invaluable. She
is personable and real – a joy to learn from. Thank you, Allison.
Instantly I began to feel shifting this morning and continued
throughout the day.
This course (BodyTalk Fundamentals) was absolutely amazing. I have
never had so many “shifts”! I could probably fill a couple of pages
about how much I love BodyTalk, instead I will say it has changed my
life, and how I see life!
I really like the visual pictures – opening the anatomy book, and again
your clear teaching method. I feel comfortable asking questions as you
make us feel like “no question is a dumb question”.
I loved monitoring your course. I picked up on so many new items I
missed last time. I now feel very comfortable with all the material –
even though I know every time I read the manual or monitor, I will
continue to learn. I absolutely love EVERYTHING about the way you teach
the course – your ideas, your personality, your class space.
I really appreciated getting to thoroughly explore those details that
needed reviewing, or I missed, forgot or mixed up from the first time
through the course.
Taking BodyTalk Fundamentals again with Allison was fantastic. It felt
like a new course but a great review. Allison brought new information
and different angles of presentation of the material. Thank you so much!
BreakThrough Testimonials:
The more I do BreakThrough the clearer it becomes.Thank you so much for
so clearly presenting the steps and for the encouragement to really feel
and experience leading and having my Steps done.I enjoy your passion for
this system and am inspired by your journey.I am excited to live and
experience my life… all of it, good and bad.
BreakThrough is just what it says.It’s a breakthrough to inner emotions
that I didn’t know existed.Allison’s step by step approach with lots of
interaction and practice time made it so much easier to grasp difficult
concepts.She gently guides you through practice sessions — this work is
done by the student with suggestions/comments give on the way.Thanks so
BodyTalk Access Testimonials:
Allison is an amazing instructor. She keeps you interested and
intrigued throughout the entire seminar. She is a vault of BodyTalk
knowledge. Access is absolutely a seminar _everyone_ should take! A
Vital tool to empower people to take their health and well-being into
their own hands!
The Access course was very helpful to understand how my BodyTalk
Practitioner helps me. It will help me get more out of my regular
BodyTalk sessions.
After day one I did the first 4 steps on my daughter. Then we went for
an hour long walk. Initially she was feeling sad, gloomy, tired and
unmotivated. After BodyTalk she felt a bit better and by the end of the
walk she was feeling happy and setting goals.
Even after taking Module 1 & 2 with Allison twice, I chose to take
Access with her as well. Allison continues to be a wealth of knowledge
with new perspectives presented. The analogies used are always
entertaining and useful. Thanks so much!