“We often protect and hide, not what we most fear, but what is most precious in us.”
What is it like to be deeply seen, held, and honoured, in both our struggles and grief, in the deep beauty and gifts we carry, by both a male and female presence?
In those early, precious, times of life, most of us didn’t have this opportunity.
This early loss can have tremendous repercussions — setting in motion patterns of shut down, pushing away, ways of thinking, feeling, perceiving, acting and being that aren’t natural to our hearts. All of which gets stored in the tissues of our body and the deep recesses of our minds.
We adapt to survive. We exile what’s most precious. We lose ourselves.
Our interest is to creating a safe, trauma informed, healing environment to help all those parts of you that needed, and deserve, to be seen, honoured and met, be so from a both male and female. Re-patterning your experience at a deep level. Rippling throughout whole of your life, in work, in relationships, and beyond.
We are interested in supporting you to learn and deepen, not just, into who you think you are or once were, but into the mystery that awaits.
Much of us was hidden so early, in a world that didn’t reflect it back to us, we may not even know it exists.
This is a platform for the wonder of what and who you are.
We honour that even the hurt can be an access point.
That trauma and its causes are varied and the body has healing wisdoms within it. That nothing is ever lost, only obscured. That change happens in leaps and step by step, every day.
Through deep listening, and guidance by two facilitators, and friends, who have traversed this ground individually, together, and have guided others — both with unique and complementary backgrounds — a profound healing environment is created, and rich ground can be covered.
Those who have had the gift of both male and female guidance, in this safe loving container, have spoken highly of the the deep and lasting change it offered.
We will work somatically, through inquiry, imagery, breath, energy pathways informed by Eastern medicine, mindfulness, and more — all honouring your own organic healing way.
We look forward to the journey together.
It’s always a gift to behold.
Thank you.
“The great fear is the loss of ourselves, which is also our joy, our beauty, our gift, our peace, our offering.”
Currently available on-line.
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