Buddhas & Butterflies
Transforming Emotional & Mental Well-Being for Health Practitioners
3 sessions/month, 1 integration week/month with exercises, live Q and A and release work
Ideal for all healthcare practitioners to support their personal and professional health.
“While burnout obviously has something to do with stress, overdoing things, not being centered, and not listening to yourself or your body, one of the deepest contributors to burnout, I believe, is the deep disappointment of not living up to your true calling, which is to help.” ― Jenn Bruer
If it’s Aug 4 midnight MDT or later and you missed this offering that ended, no worries! Add yourself to the VIP notification list and waitlist to be first in line to take this class when it’s offered next (hint: think mid-late winter 2021) You can do that right here!
Can I share something a little personal with you?
I LOVE helping healthcare practitioners a LOT!
And, I know that the best way to help healthcare practitioners is on an ongoing basis, month after month.
I’m launching it now and I’m SO excited to get started to work with you all in this way!
Who wants to have a successful practice that sustains and feeds them in ALL areas of their life? I do and I know you do too :). My commitment to helping healthcare practitioners to have the support they desire and to return to a state of vibrancy within themselves and their practice is intensely strong. I know without a doubt that this program will help me serve you even better.
So till Mon Aug 3, if you’re a healthcare practitioner who wants sustainable success, I’d like to invite you to join me on this journey and become a member.
I’m opening up a limited number of lifetime spots into my membership when it opens up for just $77/month or $770/year*.
But here’s the catch… I’m only offering this till Mon Aug 3, 11:59 MDT, and I’ll never offer the lifetime option for this membership again, AND all future members will have to pay on an ongoing basis.
*For those of you who purchase by Sat Aug 1, 11:59pm MDT you’ll also receive Core Reveal & Release & Treat Your Heart for free. (If you already have these workshops I promise to score you a workshop you haven’t yet purchased, send me an email and we’ll find what works best for you). Upon purchase these products will be manually added and you’ll have access to them by or before Aug 5, 2020.
*If you pay annually by Mon Aug 3, 11:59pm MDT you’ll also receive Core Reveal & Release for free, this is a $300 value! That’s more then the annual option of this membership! (If you already have these workshop I promise to score you a workshop you haven’t yet purchased, send me an email and we’ll find what works best for you). Upon purchase these products will be manually added and you’ll have access to them by or before Aug 5, 2020.
So, if you’d like to join me in this, choose your option above (monthly or annual) and add it to your cart :).
I am thankful for your support, and I can’t wait to have you as a member in this journey with me!
For those of you who didn’t get a chance to participate in Part II: Transform Emotions Into Energy here’s a brief intro of what we’re up to, read below for even more!
This exploration is devoted to transforming emotions into energy, which is their natural healthy state! Imagine transforming fear into healthy action that supports you and your healthcare practice. All emotions have a healthy role to play and the only thing getting in the way of these emotions fully supporting you (yes you read that right, your emotions are DESIGNED to support you) is when they feel personal. When they’re not triggered you’ll be able to use the fullest potential of their health as vital energy for you, and in turn your practice.
Do you feel like you’re devoting too much time to just hanging on and somehow failing in both professional and personal life? It’s exhausting being pulled between running your best biz and being the unifying force of your household. That sense of failure is usually connected to the feeling of overwhelm. It feels like everything has to happen right now and yet that space doesn’t actually allow for supportive action or even insights, it just keeps you stuck in feeling more like a failure and more overwhelmed. If you’re feeling unsure, burnt out, exhausted, frazzled or just plain tired of having to hold it all together and you’d like it to not feel like it’s constantly ALL on you, then you’re in the right place! Ready to break the cycle? This is your place to let it all rest, put it all down and reclaim connection to yourself. We’ll be exploring the emotions, their safe and healthy roles and how to release them back to their healthy role of providing you with vitality to step into your optimal potential for all areas of your life. How we do one thing is how we do everything, come end the cycles of panic, frantic action, frustrations, grievances, worries and depression alike. This is your opportunity to fall back into love with your work by filling yourself back up so you can make the impact you’re after! Step into healthy forward momentum, experiencing acceptance and begin to flow with ease through equal parts awareness and action. No more “I’m just not good enough or I have to prove my worth by doing it all or I get validation by working myself to the bone! Those beliefs are connected to underlying emotions of fear, anger, grief, worry sadness. Time to shift that to joy! This is your place to turn to for moving back into joy, ease, abundance and stability – start with transforming your personal life and watch it transform you professional life. Unlimited creativity and freedom to execute what you’re after in you practice comes with rockstar self-esteem (which is much different then the self-esteem of your average rockstar ;). This type of relief goes hand in hand with productivity, efficiency and supporting your financial goals, all while helping you to be your best self by filling up your own cup first.
-You’d like a new place to come from in your life In our go go go worlds, it’s easy to see that juggling work, family, health, etc often leads to a demanding schedule. More pressure, more stress means more anxiety. Combine that with seemingly less time to take care of ourselves and you’ve got a recipe for burnout. Exhaustion and fatigue give rise to all those sabotages you use, preventing optimal health. Ready to hit your “pause” button and find a different way? Commit to putting yourself and your health first so you can both play the game of life with greater ease as well as perhaps take stock and change how it is you’re ‘doing’ life. Come find play and passion and feel like the human being you are again. There’s always another way. Come explore what drives you, what you’re getting from it, how it’s been serving you, how it hasn’t and step into another way to experience your life. We’ll be exploring a number of principles including vulnerability, strength, power, humility, honesty, authenticity, compassion, relationships (with self and others), intimacy, and sensuality – all through the lens of the core five emotions: fear, anger, grief, worry, sadness/over-excitement. The nature of group work allows, from a quantum physics understanding of increasing observation, for exceptional effectiveness. “Every session it feels like you’re treating just me, are you sure these sessions aren’t just for me?” is common feedback received when working with group BodyTalk sessions, pre-recorded or live. Stop chasing your symptoms and come experience relief. |
What’s included? ♦ Explorations into a number of principles including humility, honesty, authenticity, compassion, gratitude, harmony, relationships (with self and others), intimacy, sensuality. – Illuminate and cultivate a passionate relationship to you… and to you living fully. – Weekly (4/month) Ideas and Awareness Opportunities to Transform Emotions Into Energy, Explorations to invite you looking inward and exploring your emotions and yourself, all of which can be done multiple times to discover more within yourself: – 3/month Energy Sessions, primarily using BodyTalk although other modalities may be incorporated as priorities unfold. – 1/month integration week/month with exercises, live Q and A and release work – Support is available to you via email or FaceBook message for you to share your awareness’s, your questions or simply connect. ♦ 3 Group Energy Sessions/Month using primarily BodyTalk although other modalities may be incorporated as priorities unfold to optimize integration of your self-discoveries. Practitioners/Parents: This will help to strengthen the scope of your sessions, whatever you practice, by broadening the possibilities of what can be done, allowing you to take others deeper into themselves to heal while your simultaneously receive support opportunities to heal yourself. Investment: $77/month or $770/year* – this is the rate available until Aug 3 11:59 MDT only, no exceptions. If you purchase at this rate you’ll continue to receive that rate for your lifetime! This will NEVER be offered at this low of a rate again. I will be opening up the opportunity to purchase and the rate will be increased for those who didn’t purchase at this rate.
For those of you who purchase by Sat Aug 1, 11:59pm MDT you’ll also receive Core Reveal & Release & Treat Your Heart for free. (If you already have these workshops I promise to score you a workshop you haven’t yet purchased, send me an email and we’ll find what works best for you). Upon purchase these products will be manually added and you’ll have access to them by or before Aug 5, 2020. *If you pay annually by Mon Aug 3, 11:59pm MDT you’ll also receive Core Reveal & Release for free, this is a $300 value! That’s more then the annual option of this membership! (If you already have these workshop I promise to score you a workshop you haven’t yet purchased, send me an email and we’ll find what works best for you). Upon purchase these products will be manually added and you’ll have access to them by or before Aug 5, 2020. There is a 30 day back 100% money back guarantee. Schedule: Wed Sept 9: Transforming Worry Into Clarity in the Earth Element Sessions continue weekly in this same pattern as we continue through the remaining 5 Elements. Afterwards we’ll be exploring the 12 Astrological Houses, 12 Meridians, 8 Extra Meridians, 5 Senses & More :). All sessions will be recorded for those of you who prefer that or are unable to join for any of the live portions, you’ll have lifetime access to these while a subscriber, much like a Netflix subscription. B&B has been running since June, 2019 exploring the 7 chakras. Please note that no recordings of previously conducted Buddhas & Butterflies sessions will be available. If you’d like to purchase those that were done in this same fashion for the Chakras you’ll have the option to do so after you subscribe/purchase this one upon request (send an email with this request after your purchase this to inquire further). Registration: Choose your option and use the Add to Cart button above. |
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