Buddhas & Butterflies
Transforming Emotional & Mental Well-Being
3 sessions/month, 1 integration week/month with breathwork, somatic exercises and release work
“While burnout obviously has something to do with stress, overdoing things, not being centred, and not listening to yourself or your body, one of the deepest contributors to burnout, I believe, is the deep disappointment of not living up to your true calling, which is to help.” ― Jenn Bruer

Registration: Choose your option and use the Add to Cart button above.
Can I share something juicy with you?
I richly deeply love every opportunity I receive to support folks explore their emotional/mental realms and how that impacts their lives including all other arenas of health and well-being. Where are things locked up and not flowing well? Where is it challenging to traverse terrain in your life?
Imagine, opportunity to explore and navigate life’s seeming challenges in a safe, rich, caring container on an ongoing basis, month after month.
I’m launching it now and I’m ecstatically delighted to get started in working with you all in this way!
I offer no guarantees, no promises, no miracles, no cures… you get the jist. What is it I’m up to offering here, you may be wondering? Let’s look together at the patterns that you find yourself repeating that quite likely began for really good reasons, and may no longer be supportive for what you’re up to in life. Let’s delve into the various ways you’ve protected yourself and held yourself safe that may have turned more into a cage than a sanctuary. Amongst all the complexities of your life and it’s roots, let’s locate and reorient back to your sense of self; providing the capacity to step into your vitality and it’s expression in all facets of your life. Perhaps even befriending your bodymind in ways that you weren’t able to previously imagine. What are you interested in calling in to this expression of your life? Let’s cultivate that together, in community, with like minded and hearted folks.
Till Mon May 27, I’d like to invite you to join me on this journey under the umbrella of this most unique container and become a member.
I’m opening up a limited number of lifetime spots into my membership for $92/month or $920/year*.
But here’s the catch… I’m only offering this till Mon May 27, 11:59pm MDT, and I never promise to offer the same rate again moving forward on an ongoing basis.
*For those of you who purchase by Sat May 25, 11:59pm MDT you’ll also receive Core Reveal & Release & Treat Your Heart for free. (If you already have these workshops I promise to score you a workshop you haven’t yet purchased, send me an email and we’ll find what works best for you). Upon purchase these products will be manually added and you’ll have access to them by or before June 10, 2024.
*If you pay annually by Mon May 27, 11:59pm MDT you’ll also receive Core Reveal & Release for free, this is a $300 value! That’s more then the annual option of this membership! (If you already have these workshop I promise to score you a workshop you haven’t yet purchased, send me an email and we’ll find what works best for you). Upon purchase these products will be manually added and you’ll have access to them by or before June 10, 2024.
To join me in this, choose your option above (monthly or annual) and add it to your cart :).
I am thankful for your support, and I can’t wait to have you as a member in this journey with me!
Registration: Choose your option and use the Add to Cart button above.
For those of you wanting a sample of the work that we’ll be doing, please receive the complimentary series of Transform Emotions Into Energy VI by registering here for it prior to May 27.
This year long adventure is devoted to alchemizing emotions into energy, their natural healthy state! Imagine transforming fear into healthy action that supports you, your loved ones, your work and your communities. All emotions have a healthy role to play and the only thing getting in the way of these emotions fully supporting you (yes you read that right, your emotions are DESIGNED to support you) is when they feel personal. As we explore what’s behind the triggers for yourself, you’ll have the opportunity to explore available potential of the healthy vital energy of emotions for yourself, which in turn set the stage to best support loved ones and all that you value in your work, referring to both the inner work and your professional life alike.
Registration: Choose your option and use the Add to Cart button above. |
What’s included? ♦ Explorations into a number of principles including humility, honesty, authenticity, compassion, gratitude, harmony, relationships (with self and others), intimacy, sensuality. – Illuminate and cultivate a passionate relationship to you… and to you living fully. – 3/month Energy Sessions, primarily using BodyTalk although other trauma informed somatic based modalities including breathwork may be incorporated as priorities unfold. – 1/month integration session with breathwork, somatic explorations and release work – Support is available to you via email or FaceBook message for you to share your awareness’s, your questions or simply connect. – Access to the recording of your group session is unlimited. – Listening to the session can be done multiple times to continue to receive benefit up to months and years later – you have access the recordings throughout membership, much like a Netflix account. -BodyTalk sessions will draw on BodyTalk, Eastern Medicine and the Life Sciences’ principles (ie. Reveal & Release, etc.) with an emphasis on exploring self honestly. Investment: $92/month or $920/year* – this is the rate available until May 27 11:59pm MDT onl. If you purchase at this rate you’ll continue to receive that rate for your lifetime in any and all future Buddha’s and Butterflies offerings! I never promise to offer the same rate again moving forward. I will be opening up the opportunity to purchase and the rate will quite likely be increased moving forward. Sign-Up Bonus:For those of you who purchase by Sat May 25, 11:59pm MDT you’ll also receive Core Reveal & Release & Treat Your Heart for free. (If you already have these workshops I promise to score you a workshop you haven’t yet purchased, send me an email and we’ll find what works best for you). Upon purchase these products will be manually added and you’ll have access to them by or before June 10, 2024. *If you pay annually by Mon May 27, 11:59pm MDT you’ll also receive Core Reveal & Release for free, this is a $300 value! That’s more then the annual option of this membership! (If you already have these workshop I promise to score you a workshop you haven’t yet purchased, send me an email and we’ll find what works best for you). Upon purchase these products will be manually added and you’ll have access to them by or before June 10, 2024. There is a 30 day back 100% money back guarantee. Registration: Choose your option and use the Add to Cart button above. |
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