Pure Passion – Learning BodyTalk
Passion, do you have what you really want?
My underlying guide in all I do in my life these days is tuning into one question, am I completely passionate about ‘this’?
Unless the answer is yes, life seems to be rather dry, depressing, devoid of meaning. Whether its walking the dogs, teaching a BodyTalk, Access, BreakThrough or Reveal & Release seminar, or even cleaning the house, my life more and more comes from this place of passion. I’ve had the fortune to experience a really early mid-life crisis (though I prefer to think of it as a quarter-life crisis 🙂 at the age of 24 when I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a type of cancer, in the midst of medical school. Till then I hadn’t been living with much joy, mostly enduring the daily grind with the odd glimpse of a day or two to sleep in and recuperate to get right back at it all. The diagnosis was, in hindsight, a delightful rock bottom for me as it led to the crumbling of all my plans to be a doctor and instead placed BodyTalk in my path. I’ve since come to learn that each and every seeming tragic experience is filled with the richness of a deeper potential, one more in line with what I truly want. Those moments of that used to fill me with desperate dread help to awaken in my awareness something incredibly valuable, my life. Without downs I wouldn’t know the ups. Without the downs I’d never have an opportunity to learn about myself. Every one of those tough life moments has gentled, softened and enlivened me, all while guiding me in the direction of what it is I really wanted in life. For this I am eternally grateful.
My life post-BodyTalk is pretty spectacular. Gone is the day-to-day drudgery of depression. Thank goodness for cancer and finding both myself and what I really want in all of my life. Learning BodyTalk has afforded me many opportunities to heal on all levels: physically, mentally and emotionally. BodyTalk Fundamentals and Access are both geared towards absolute beginners. One of my passions is now working with and teaching others, helping them to find their passion in their lives and in the health of their body and mind. You’re invited to come live fully too; learn more at a complimentary BodyTalk Presentation: June 13 7-9pm in Saskatoon, SK. See the details here.
Feeling bold? Come explore more on Passion here.
Allison has upcoming trainings in entry level BodyTalk seminars:
BodyTalk Access (June 15 in Saskatoon, June 16 in Edam, Sept 7 in North Battleford)
BodyTalk Fundamentals (July 6-9 or Sept 21-24 in Saskatoon)
Click on the course title for it’s description or here to register and come live your life in line with what it is you truly want while helping your body to recover from stress, the number one cause of all symptoms and diseases. Come address your needs in a uniquely tailored approach and experience relief.